Partnerships in International Medical Education

PRIME Tutor TrainingRaise Awareness

Charitable and Small Groups

If you belong to a charitable or small group and you would like to have a PRIME speaker give an informative and interesting talk on whole person medicine, our vision and work, please let us know.  

We are always happy to provide speakers, information and visits from PRIME personnel so that you can find out more about our work, how your support would help PRIME and how any donations would be spent.


Can you help to raise our profile by introducing us to your business or potential funding contacts or others who may wish to hear about our work and may be in a position to help us? We would be very happy to give a presentation to introduce PRIME and our work in more detail.

Please contact us for further information or to request a speaker for your event.

There are many ways to support PRIME:

Donate expertise - join a PRIME team

Donate money - make a donation to PRIME

Donate time - fundraise for PRIME