Partnerships in International Medical Education
PRIME Tutors are qualified and registered healthcare professionals with teaching experience who have been approved to contribute to agreed PRIME teaching activities or to represent PRIME within their usual sphere of work.
PRIME Tutors are also encouraged, where appropriate, to use PRIME materials and methodology in their day-to-day teaching activities.
We are able to advertise some of our forthcoming events which are currently seeking additional team members through our Hub resource website and by direct email. For security and other reasons not all our opportunities are advertised so please do contact us if you are a PRIME tutor and would like to join a PRIME team.
We encourage anyone interested in becoming a PRIME Tutor to join PRIME as a Network Member first and to attend one of our annual conferences to gain a greater understanding of PRIME's work.
PRIME Tutors now have access to a special website,, which is intended as a one stop resource to support them in their work for PRIME and any other teaching roles they may have. The Hub website includes our core teaching materials that can be downloaded and edited to suit many different situations, resources from our tutor conferences, a prayer wall for any requests that you may have and more.
To access the website you must be logged in to a Google Account that has been given permission to enter the site. For problems with accessing the site please email PRIME HQ