Partnerships in International Medical Education


Kenyan teaching in progressPRIME tutors helped facilitate the setting up of the Kenyan Association of Family Physicians. We are worked alongside the Institute of Family Medicine and CMDA Kenya to facilitate the first Kenyan PRIME tutor training programme which marked the start of a new PRIME group in Kenya that is helping to develop links with medical education partners all over East Africa. This group held leadership training in Nairobi and has represented PRIME International at several East African Health Professional Educators Association meetings and the GMHC Africa Conferences. 

PRIME tutors from Kenya have led sessions on whole person healthcare in a special pre-conference programme immediately prior to the international GMHC Africa 2016 conference which attracts delegates from across Africa and beyond. PRIME tutors also participated at the annual national CMDA Students’ Conference leading sessions on suffering and healing and provided an introduction to whole person medicine for CMDA Kenya volunteers at their leadership training conference. One of our Kenyan tutors led sessions on whole person care and healthcare education at a national conference.

Kabarak University continues to utilise the PRIME publication ‘The Good Teacher’ as the core text for their course on reflective learning and teaching as part of their Family Medicine Residency Programme. 

We were delighted that both our regional lead and two new potential tutors were able to attend the international PRIME Annual Conference - both have pioneered whole person medicine lectures in their places of work - and that a representative from Kenya has joined our Activity Review Group.

Looking ahead, opportunities seem to be developing for input at leading universities for medical students and junior doctors/residents and for church leader training via the National Council of Churches of Kenya at their national leaders’ conference.