Partnerships in International Medical Education

Opportunities that don't require travel

There can be many reasons why teaching overseas is not possible for you.

Teaching Teams

We are also developing new inter-professional “Teaching Teams” in various subject areas, that we hope will help us respond and expand our teaching programmes. There are six topic-based teams which represent our core teaching:

  1. Compassion Under Pressure (Previously known as Compassion Without Burnout) 
  2. Mental Health 

  3. Palliative Care 

  4. Whole Person Care and Communication 

  5. Values Added (VA) 

  6. Global Health Elective for UK medical students 

Each Online Teaching Team will have several functions:

International Email Contributor / Author

The International Email is published each month with one selected article each time. It is distributed to members of the PRIME Network who have expressed an interest in the concept of whole person care. Articles can be narrative, review or research based and are particularly welcome from those living or working in developing nations. 
Purpose: To write new contemporary articles relating to whole person care.
Commitment: Occasional or one off. Articles may be submitted at any time and will be considered by the Editorial Board, whose decisions will be final.

PRIME Local Network Group Leader

Purpose: To develop and lead a PRIME Local Network Group for networking, encouragement and support of local PRIME tutors and supporters. 
Commitment: Occasional local meetings, ideally alternate months or quarterly but could be variable to suit the members of the group.

Tutor Support Group

Purpose: To provide pastoral, encouragement and general support for PRIME’s Team Leaders, Tutors and potential tutors usually by telephone. 
Commitment: Bi-monthly meetings plus direct contact with allocated Teams prior to and after a programme by Skype or in person.

Education Working Group

Purpose: To plan and develop programmes for PRIME’s international conferences, to include: Annual Conference, Tutor Training and Team Leader Training events. 
Commitment: Commitment will vary according to the requirements of the different conferences. A large part of the work of this group is likely to be email-based.

Regional Strategy Groups

Purpose: To assist in the strategic development of PRIME’s activities, by: supporting team leaders to develop strategies for their areas of work, helping identify gaps, opportunities and new links for PRIME across regions and teams, ensuring mentorship for new team leaders, where appropriate and supporting the International Development Officer in their role. Our Regional Strategy Groups are open to Team Leaders, regional partners and others with an interest in an area.
Commitment: Varies by group. By Skype or in person.