Partnerships in International Medical Education
Faced with over 165 midwives we once again took part in the health conference run by the church in the Northeast of Pakistan. The big question is how you can give practical hands-on training to so many at one time. This was our largest group so far and we had started these training programmes in 2015 with 25 midwives.
We had 45 midwives who had completed the first course and preparing them as instructors we organised a ‘speed dating’ model of teaching with the 45 trainers allocated a topic to teach and the new attendees were divided into 12 groups. Each group was taught by an instructor for 10 minutes and then with the sound of a bell they moved to the next group while the instructors repeated their session with a new group. In this way everyone was able to receive instruction in a small group and our instructors had experience in teaching. The focus was on life-saving interventions in midwifery.
In addition to midwifery, we had three St John Ambulance Cymru instructors with us who visited schools, small rural churches a college and the midwives to teach CPR and lifesaving interventions.
Over the two weeks they instructed over 800 people with hands-on practical experience.
This was a remarkable achievement. Next year the numbers appear to be even greater.