Partnerships in International Medical Education
Ross grew up in Kenya. He has worked in primary healthcare development in Ghana but as a junior he knew that he was primarily called to develop whole person healthcare in British General Practice. Ross has worked as a GP in a multicultural urban context for over 35 years. He has seen both the range of human need and the potential to meet that need through a compassionate and integrated primary healthcare team.
He was awarded a Fellowship of the Royal College of General Practice on account of his work in developing whole-person healthcare. Understanding how the universal needs of the human spirit can be recognised and cared for in General Practice led Ross to establish an NHS GP Chaplaincy service in 1997. He has been involved in the research and development of this since then. This has included helping to set up an independent professional organisation, the Association of Chaplaincy in General Practice and developing two organisations that provide this service to the NHS (Karis Neighbour Scheme and WholeCare).
He recently published about the scientific and biblical basis for whole person health care, how it can be taught and the role of chaplaincy.
Ross, and his wife Liz, contribute to some of our annual conferences on the interface between healthcare and chaplaincy.