Partnerships in International Medical Education

A meeting of the Indian Association of Palliative CareSpotlight on Palliative Care

The active and dedicated care of the dying person is relatively new as a philosophy and a service in our society – and is still far from universal. Moreover, there is still a reluctance in our society to accept dying as a part of living. 

Palliative Care is an urgent humanitarian responsibility and freedom from pain is, officially designated a human right. Unfortunately the reality is very different. For most of the world's population, and in particular for those in sub-saharan Africa, freedom from pain is a pipe dream."

PRIME has been involved in teaching palliative care in many areas of the world including Armenia, Albania, Bangladesh, the Middle East, Nepal, Russia and Zambia. We have also published a Palliative Care Workbook  for contexts where palliative care is relatively unknown.

We are continuing to explore a number of openings with other PRIME personnel for palliative care teaching.

"Thank you for the course in Palliative Care. The course was an eye opener. I have always known that there are terminally ill in our midst. To care for them was mainly a family matter as far as I was concerned. This course taught me that the care for the terminally ill was for all in one way or another." Zambian Doctor.