Partnerships in International Medical Education

Other Publications

PRIME Calling

“This very engaging publication invites the reader to undertake a journey and to meet some inspirational people on the way.” Baroness Caroline Cox.

With the vision of encouraging and teaching the importance of the compassionate care of the person at the core of medical practice and education, PRIME has grown in ten years from informal sharing by a small group of friends to an international network of like minded enthusiastic colleagues spread over 40 countries.  The momentum of such expansion completely depends on the foundational spirit of the vision and its initial outworking in practical situations.

PRIME Calling traces the guiding principles and the foundational narrative of that initial momentum and seeks to inspire colleagues and friends with a similar calling to extend the Kingdom of God within their own professional calling.

“The courses which PRIME teach here are like flowers. They warm people’s hearts. Some may say they are too beautiful and unusual. But we will continue to cultivate this land and plant our flowers.” Olga (Moscow)

£5.00 + postage and packing


Sharing the journey: From grief to hope

A collection of poems written by David Chaput de Saintonge, who was PRIME's education director for over 15 years who sadly died in late 2014. David had a wide reputation for his writings both scientific and creative.

David said of his book "I wrote a small illustrated book 'Sharing the journey: from grief to hope' to offer spiritual support for people who suffer. It’s likely that such a person would be facing a time of crisis that provokes a search for personal meaning and purpose. This could well be the onset of the serious disease, particularly newly diagnosed, either in themselves or someone close to them. However, it could also be any uncontrollable change in social, physical or spiritual circumstances which causes them to suffer at least in some degree, from feelings of loss, hopelessness, despair, purposeless, loneliness, lovelessness or isolation.

In spite of many official publications on the principles of giving spiritual care, there is almost nothing like this. The world of the sufferer remains largely closed, isolating people in a world of silence. My book is an attempt to give voice to these experiences and help guide people from a place of grief to a place of hope."

We believe this collection could also a great resource for creative teaching on pain and suffering as it gives insight into the world of the patient from a first-hand perspective.

£9.99 + postage and packing

The primary intention of this book is to be a spiritual companion for all who suffer. However, any profits from the sale of "Sharing the Journey" will go directly to PRIME (Partnerships in Medical Education) to help doctors in Syria improve the quality and depth of medical care.


Also from the pen of David Chaput de Saintonge come this series of poetry anthologies illustrated by David's own photography. David is also author of Whole Person Medicine and The Good Teacher both PRIME teaching resources.

At Blackpool Mill

“These beautiful songs will open doors in your heart and reveal vistas of eternity of which you may have only caught distant glimpses. Perhaps you have been wondering about some strange aching within your yearning spirit? It is likely that you will have never been able until now to find adequate expression of those hints of the eternal mysteries beyond this fragile life, and yet you know that that as our human world fades behind the years, the future beckons ever more insistently, ever more inevitably. Here are songs that sing with the harmony of heaven, that harmony that beckons and carries the soul safely across the abyss of death.” John Caroe Chair of PRIME

£5.00 + postage and packing

In the West Country

A second anthology of poems from David, along with some of his beautiful photography.

£5.00 + postage and packing


John Caroe, PRIME Chair and Founding Trustee of PRIME has gathered together a series of short writings and poems into two collections aimed specifically at Christians in their daily lives. John's writing encourages us to walk with the Lord in both the cool of the morning and the heat of the day. Some of these articles have previously appeared in the "Health and Wholeness" magazine.


Few of us have an idyllic life. Most are only too aware of the daily trudge through the everyday little moments and look for something more, something extra that will lift us up and give meaning to our experiences. In this book of reflections John calls us to seek out glimpses of God in simple everyday events.

£5.00 + postage and packing


This collections of works encourages the reader to explore new 'vistas' of spiritual reality reassuring us that even the most mundane moments of ordinariness are integral to the depths of mystery. "When we can integrate these vistas and incorporate them into the stress of each moment of this life we discover that special joy of walking with the Lord not only in the cool of the morning but also in the heat of the day.

£5.00 + postage and packing

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